naturestimeline’s mission statement and business objectives

Tony Powell, the owner of Naturestimeline, is a freelancer, wildlife (chiefly birds) surveyor and researcher. Yet, as you’ve apparently stumbled upon this, I best tell you about the blog’s aims in the first instance. My uppermost intentions are to promote our mutual admiration for nature and its conservation.  Surprisingly, the latter i.e. the conservation aspect can be achieved via your business or leisure activities without much consideration. As you’ll note from the header, Naturestimeline’s tagline states “personal observations from the natural world as the search continues for a new approach to conservation” and this is the principal purpose behind a lot of my mutterings within.

Now moving onto the services that I can provide to your business:

  • Let me do your research when you simply don’t have the time or resources.

  • Let me evaluate the wildlife and bird distributions on your land-holdings utilising bespoke benchmarking methods.

  • Let me provide tailored reports so you can adapt your land to suit all observed species and their ongoing conservation.

  • Do you see your business as a wildlife-friendly one? If so, let me blog about it on these pages.

  • Let me promote your nature-admiring business via Social Media so you can gain wider exposure.

Feel free to contact me for general information or to acquire my services as a Bird Surveyor and Researcher. Either way, why not use the contact details below to reach out to me and have a chat, anyhow.

Also, don’t forget you can find out more about my services via my Facebook page below by clicking on the Yellowhammer image below.

Birds are my buiness.
naturestimeline – Birds are my business.

naturestimeline freelance contract services – “A Freelance professional, sharing his personal views on all things, nature conservation. Work with me, not against me, and I’ll work for you!”

Alternatively, search for my details online at LinkedIn by clicking on the named link below.


48 thoughts on “naturestimeline’s mission statement and business objectives

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  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. The birds you have are very different from the ones we see here in the U.S.

    1. You can definitely see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

  2. Thanks for liking my post – its very kind of you to even look at my blog. Cheers.
    P.S Pheneology is very interesting with Climate change.

  3. hey Tony, thx for checking me out.. I like ur blog. I don’t have the time to read up more on climate stuff, so I’m subscribing to you in the hopes that you’ll keep me up to date! (no pressure lol).. looking forward, best. C

    1. Ouch. No pressure then? What I will say, is that I do not possess any expertise in this area, but as the Blog title suggests, I love to track the seasonal changes in accordance with the local climate. Thanks for following and I’ll try not to let you down. Every season is different in nature, in as much as every day is.


      Tony Powell

  4. Hello Tony, I’m really impressed by your phenological research and I want to nominate ‘naturestimeline’ for the ‘Versatile Blogger’ award.

    If you feel you don’t want to accept that’s absolutely fine, but if you do, the award requests that you nominate your favourite fifteen blogs and notify them of the nomination, share seven facts about yourself, and lastly display the award logo on your website (a copy of the logo can be lifted from here:

    1. Your comments are most pleasing but I will leave the award for others more deserving. Perhaps I will accept it, when I can think of seven facts about myself that are worthy of inclusion.

      Best Wishes and Thanks for the nomination.

      Tony Powell

  5. Thanks for ‘liking’ my post at Minkyweasel World. Your blog looks very interesting too and from what you say regarding your objectives well, that is quite a daunting task isn’t it? I’m sure you are up for it though! Hope it goes to plan.

    Shirley Anne x

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I wish I could identify more bird sounds…I’d like to include them…seeing them requires a dedication which you seem to have and I have yet to possess!

    1. Years of dedication are what it comes down to, really. If you want to learn the British birds (I’m assuming you’re a UK resident here) then if you can get hold of the “teach yourself bird sound” series of tapes/cds, you will find these are most helpful. Alternatively, go join the local bird group on a walk somewhere. The aforementioned cassette tapes (from 1992 onwards) were precisely how I started with my bird sound addiction and I have never looked back.

      Kind Regards


  7. Tony,
    Thanks for liking my post of nature journaling! We try very hard to get children interested in observation and asking good questions as early as we can. Hopefully, they will end up with a strong interest in the natural world like yourself! Keep up the wonderful work; the study of phenology is facinating and you are performing an important service.
    Thanks again,

    1. No problem. Phenelogy is a subject, which is close to my heart and I have followed nature in a such a way for near on twenty years now. I’m glad you liked it.

      Kind Regards


  8. Thanks for the visit and I do like the idea behind your blog. Dragonshades is doing its own daily journey and I have been fascinated by the interaction of light and colour since my blog was started last July. I’m off to explore the many fascinating headings on your blog.

  9. Thanks for liking my blog…not sure how we connected, but if it was over an interest in nature, then I’m not surprised! I like your site very much. I spent almost a month in Northern England, and a good portion of Scotland back in the 90s, and recall the beauty and climate fondly. Orkney was a bit blustery, but I’d love to see it all again. Cheers!

  10. You have got a beautiful blog running here. Your vision and thoughts are indeed a revelation. Great work. Keep blogging. I will definitely hang around here a lot savouring the perfect cocktail you offer here.

  11. Greetings Tony! You have created a phenomenal blog and I shall relish discovering all it’s nooks and crannies over the next few weeks. Keep the content flowing! Thank you also for visiting metiefly – I am honoured to have you amongst my “likes”. Kind regards – metiefly

    1. Such praise you have given me, I hope to keep the content flowing over the coming weeks. I will no doubt see you around.

      Thanks again.


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